Preferred Academic Centers of Excellence (PACE)

Preferred Academic Centers of Excellence

The goal of the Preferred Academic Centers of Excellence (PACE) program is to establish a network of both small and large academic centers committed to expanding the utility of HTG’s gene expression next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based technology in distinct areas of cancer, neurodegenerative, and auto-immune disease research.

Centers of Excellence will receive first access to new research assays, applications, and data analysis tools. Each PACE will establish a consortium of users, generate impactful data demonstrating the utility of highly multiplexed gene expression assays, and conduct technology workshops to increase awareness of HTG’s technology and it’s applications.

PACE Partner Centers

Duke University - Substrate Services Core and Research Support

Mary-Beth Joshi, BS, MPH
203 Research Drive MSRB 1
Rm 455A
DUMC Box 2617
Durham, NC 27710

INOVA Translational Medicine Institute

Moin Ahmad, MD
3300 Gallows Road
Falls Church, VA 22042

SJCI High-Throughput Sequencing Facility

David Hoon, PhD
2200 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90404

The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center - Sequencing & ncRNA Core Lab

Chang-Gong Liu, PhD
1901 East Road
Houston, TX 77054

North Carolina Central - Biomedical / Biotechnology Research Institute

Deepak Kumar, PhD
700 George Street
104 Julius L. Chambers Biomedical / Biotechnology Research Institute (BBRI)
Durham, NC 27707

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Dr. Bryan Lo, MD, PhD
1053 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4E9

University of Colorado Genomics Shared Resource

Bifeng Gao, PhD
12700 E. 19th Avenue
Bldg. RC2 - Room 9480 D
Aurora, CO 81145

University of North Carolina High Throughput Sequencing Facility

Piotr Mieczkowski, PhD
Genome Sciences Bldg.
Room 1153
Chapel Hill, NC 27599


For questions about the HTG PACE program or to learn more about becoming a PACE partner center, contact

Page last updated November 21, 2022

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