The HTG Qualified Service Provider (QSP) program is a global network of service providers who harness our unique HTG EdgeSeq chemistry with the power of next-generation sequencing.
Ideally suited for clients without dedicated laboratory facilities or requiring data for submission to a regulatory body, our QSP program provides clients access to HTG EdgeSeq technology and the expertise needed to support both retrospective and clinical studies.
Q2 Solutions (US)
5827 South Miami Blvd
Morrisville, NC 27560
Telephone: +1-855-277-9929 / +1-919-998-7000
Q2 Solutions (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Unit 302, Building 15, No. 8 Lianshuihe 2nd Street
Han's Enterprise Bay, BDA
Beijing 100176
Telephone: +86 10 8783 5000
Covance Inc.
8211 SciCor Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46214
Telephone: +1-371-271-1200
Firalis SAS
17 Rue du Fort
68330 Huningue,
Telephone: +33 (0) 389 911 320
Sales: +33 (0) 389 911 324
Find out more about the Firalis BIOPRED assay here
Page last updated May 16, 2023
HTG is focused on delivering exceptional molecular profiling products and services. Contact us to find out how our unique technology can benefit you.